Why learn SAS

Before we even get into the first lecture, we will get convinced why should you learn SAS as a tool to handle data, and in which of the industries is it going to be helpful to you. This course is nothing different from other courses in terms of content and topics covered, but what sets it apart is it is delivered in a compelling and captivating way, not because of any eloquent narration, graphical superiority or mastery in the subject, but primarily because of a meaningful flow and easy to follow through even during discussing complex topics.

The worst way an instructor can teach on a subject is to bombarded his or her students with an overload of textual slides consisting of tons of bullet points. We are visual creatures because most of our brain is wired for visual sensory processing. The quickest way to learn, remember and more importantly understand anything new is to not read it from a set of slides with a background narration from an instructor, but to see visually see with your eyes what is being taught in the form of real-world objects, associate them to the topic being discussed, and then allow our brains to form those indelible connections in our minds that are hard to forget. If every instructor taught this way; with a little bit of practice and effort from a student like you, you can not only comprehend the subject, but also master it in the quickest possible way. That is the promise of this course that makes it different from other courses on the topic. 

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